Caving in Ba Be National Park: A journey to the heart of the Earth

Nestled in the majestic mountains of northern Vietnam, Ba Be National Park, is a hidden gem that captivates the senses with its breathtaking beauty, both above and below the surface. This enchanting destination is a true feast for the eyes, offering a delightful blend of awe-inspiring landscapes and a captivating underground world.

A magnificent underground environment

Descending into the park’s caves, such as Puong, Hua Ma, and Tham Phay, is like stepping into a fairy tale sculpted by nature over countless years. The play of light and shadow created by the sun’s rays filtering through the cracks in the rocks adds a magical and whimsical dimension to these sacred places, particularly for the local Tay ethnic group. Beneath the lush canopy of the park, a subterranean realm of wonder awaits, where stalactites and stalagmites create extraordinary geological formations that delight the senses. It’s a realm of pure enchantment, where the boundaries between the earthly and spiritual worlds blur, inviting visitors to connect with the ancient beliefs and traditions of the Tay people.

Doors leading to the spiritual world

The caves of Ba Be National Park are not just natural wonders; they are also gateways to the spiritual world, where the spirits of the Tay ancestors are revered and honored. These sacred spaces serve as the stage for rituals and ceremonies, allowing visitors to feel a profound connection to the land and its rich cultural heritage. Exploring the underground marvels of Ba Be National Park is a journey of discovery, where the mind is captivated by the sheer beauty and wonder of nature’s handiwork. It’s a place that inspires awe, wonder, and a renewed appreciation for the incredible power of the natural world.

Hang Puong
Hang Puong - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

Puong Cave:
An Enchanting Adventure!

Nestled near the charming village of Pac Ngoi, Puong Cave is a true gem in the park, just waiting to be discovered! Accessible by boat, this magnificent cave stretches an impressive 300 meters in length and 30 meters in height, boasting a treasure trove of stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations. The majestic entrance opens up to a vast, fairy-tale-like chamber, adorned with a vibrant array of colors and mesmerizing shapes that will captivate your senses and fill your heart with wonder.

► Learn more : Puong Cave in Ba Be National Park

Hang Hua Ma
Hang Hua Ma - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

Hua Ma Cave:
A Spelunker’s Delight!

For the more adventurous among us, Hua Ma Cave offers a thrilling challenge. This network of galleries extends over 700 meters, showcasing a diverse underground landscape teeming with fantastic concretions in the shape of mushrooms, dragons, and other enchanting creatures. Hua Ma Cave is a true sanctuary for adventure-seeking cavers, providing the perfect opportunity to explore, discover, and unleash your inner explorer.

► Read more : Hua Ma cave

Hang Tham Phay
Tham Phay Cave - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

Tham Phay Cave:
A Hidden Gem Waiting to Be Uncovered!

Relatively unknown, Tham Phay Cave, also called Lo Mo, is a hidden treasure that promises an authentic and unforgettable experience for the intrepid visitor. This cave houses an underground river and impresses with its diverse concretions, offering a truly unique and captivating adventure. Associated with a legend about a giant named Phay, who was trapped there by a wise hermit, Tham Phay Cave is a must-visit destination for those seeking to uncover the park’s most enchanting secrets.

Unlock the Joys of
Ba Be’s Captivating Caves!

Embark on an adventure that’s open to all! Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or a first-time adventurer, the enchanting caves of Ba Be National Park promise an unforgettable experience that will leave you awestruck. From the majestic Puong Cave to the exhilarating Hua Ma and Tham Phay Caves, each destination offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonders of the underground world. Prepare to be swept away by the sheer beauty and grandeur of these natural marvels. As you navigate through the winding passages and explore the hidden nooks and crannies, your sense of wonder and excitement will be ignited, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re a seasoned spelunker or a first-time explorer, the caves of Ba Be National Park welcome you with open arms. Embrace the thrill of discovery and let your curiosity guide you through this natural masterpiece.

► Read also : Tham Phay cave

Tham Phay Cave Expedition - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

Practical advice

To make the most of your caving adventure, come prepared. Dress in comfortable, hiking-friendly attire, lace up your sturdy shoes, and don’t forget your trusty headlamp and water. Protecting yourself from the sun and insects is also a must. To ensure a smooth and worry-free experience, be sure to book your excursion in advance, especially during the peak season.
Good to know : The best season to explore the caves in Ba Be National Park is during the dry season, typically from October to May. During this time, the weather is mild and dry, making it an ideal time to visit the park and venture into the caves.

To conclude

Caving in Ba Be National Park is an extraordinary adventure that will leave you with indelible memories. Don’t wait any longer and set out to discover the hidden wonders underground! Immerse yourself in the wonder, excitement, and pure joy of exploring these magnificent caves. Let the enchantment and natural beauty of Puong, Hua Ma, and Tham Phay Caves ignite your sense of adventure and create memories that will last a lifetime!

► Don’t miss out this article :
Caving in Ba Be National Park: A journey to the heart of the Earth

Ba Be National Park: A Biodiversity Treasure in the Heart of Vietnam

Hello friends! Today, I’m taking you to a corner of paradise, a place where nature reigns supreme: Ba Be National Park, nestled in northern Vietnam. Buckle up, we’re embarking on an unforgettable adventure!


Imagine a place where nature unfolds in all its splendor, where every corner hides a marvel. Ba Be National Park, located in the Bắc Kạn province, is exactly that kind of place. Recognized by UNESCO as an internationally important wetland and an ASEAN heritage park, this park is a true biodiversity treasure.

Fauna in Ba Be National Park
Spectaculare Fauna- Ba Be National Park - Source : lorearoundtheworld

A Thriving Animal Kingdom

The Tay people, the majority ethnic group in the region, call this park “Emerald Bay.” And for good reason, with its over 40,000 hectares, it harbors an incredibly rich fauna, including rare and endangered species.

The White-Cheeked Gibbon
This monkey, with its black and white fur, is one of the stars of the park. According to local legends, these monkeys were once humans transformed to escape a terrifying monster. Another version tells that they were turned into monkeys by a deity angered by their arrogance. Regardless, these gibbons remind us of the importance of respecting nature.

The Asian Black Bear
Solitary and fierce, this bear is an endangered species. Legend has it that it possesses a magical power to transform into a human. Fascinating, isn’t it?

The Collared Kingfisher
With its vibrant colors, this bird is a true aerial acrobat. Local inhabitants believe that seeing a kingfisher dive is a sign of good fortune for the upcoming fishing season.

The Red-Billed Trogon
This magnificent bird, with its flamboyant plumage, is a symbol of luck and prosperity. Its melodious song is said to announce the arrival of good news.

And that’s not all! The park is also home to black-handed gibbons, Asian black bears, clouded leopards, and many other fascinating animals.

The Mandarin ducks of Ba Be Lake: an ode to love and beauty

Forest of bamboos - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

A Vegetal Sanctuary

The karst landscape of the park, sculpted by millions of years of erosion, is simply spectacular. Steep limestone mountains, fascinating caves, and lush forests make up this dreamlike setting. With over 1,400 documented plant species, including many rare and endemic ones, the park’s flora is equally impressive.

The Giant Bamboo

These towering stalks can reach up to 30 meters in height! In Vietnamese culture, bamboo symbolizes resilience and adaptability. Like bamboo, one must know how to bend without ever breaking in the face of life’s challenges.

The Wild Orchid

Splashes of vibrant colors dot the jungle, thanks to the presence of over 200 orchid species. According to local belief, offering a wild orchid to a loved one guarantees eternal love. Among the most iconic is the Dendrobium phalaenopsis, an endemic species with spectacular blooms.

The Orchid Tree

The Bauhinia variegata, with its white and fragrant flowers, blooms from February to April. According to a Tay legend, this tree was born from a fragment of the sky that fell to earth, and its flowers symbolize the purity and beauty of the universe.

The Banyan Tree

With its impressive aerial roots, this tree is considered sacred. The village elders tell tales of forest spirits gathering under its branches to discuss worldly affairs.

A Natural Pharmacy

The Tay, Dao, and other local ethnic groups have made use of the park’s botanical riches. Numerous plants, such as Vietnamese ginseng and sweet flag, are used in traditional medicine for their healing properties.

A valuable asset for Vietnam

The exceptional biodiversity of Ba Be National Park is a valuable asset for Vietnam. It contributes to the preservation of the country’s natural wealth and provides a unique setting for scientific research and environmental education. The park is also an important tourist destination, attracting visitors from around the world who come to admire its spectacular landscapes and discover its unique flora and fauna.


Ho Ba Be
Ba Be lake - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

Threats and conservation

Despite its priceless value, Ba Be National Park faces several threats. Deforestation, poaching, and climate change are challenges that need to be addressed to preserve this natural gem. Fortunately, conservation efforts are underway to protect this fragile ecosystem.

Conservation initiatives

Local authorities and non-governmental organizations are collaborating to implement conservation programs. Anti-poaching patrols, reforestation campaigns, and community awareness initiatives are some of the actions being taken to safeguard the park’s biodiversity.

Anti-poaching patrols

Ranger teams patrol the park to monitor and protect endangered species. Their presence deters poachers and allows for quick response when needed.

Reforestation campaigns

Reforestation projects aim to restore degraded areas of the park. Planting native trees helps strengthen the ecosystem and provide a safe habitat for local wildlife.

Community awareness

The inhabitants of surrounding villages play a crucial role in park conservation. Educational programs and training workshops encourage them to adopt sustainable practices and actively participate in protecting their environment.

A promising future

With concerted efforts and increasing awareness, Ba Be National Park has good chances of overcoming the challenges it faces. Preserving this natural treasure is essential not only for Vietnam but also for the entire planet. By protecting the park’s biodiversity, we contribute to maintaining ecological balance and ensuring a sustainable future for future generations.


Ba Be National Park is more than just a tourist destination. It is a sanctuary of biodiversity, a place of legends and traditions, and a symbol of Vietnam’s natural wealth. By visiting this park, we have the opportunity to reconnect with nature, discover rare and fascinating species, and participate in the preservation of our natural heritage.

So, are you ready to put on your hiking shoes and embark on an adventure? Ba Be National Park awaits you, with its hidden wonders and enchanting stories. Don’t forget your camera because every corner of this paradise is an invitation to marvel.

Pak Ngoi

Splash into adventure: Discovering Dau Dang Waterfall, Ba Be National Park’s hidden gem

Craving an adventure that’s both breathtaking and refreshing?
Hike through the lush jungles of Ba Be National Park and discover the cascading beauty of Dau Dang Waterfall!

Embrace the thrill
of nature’s symphony

Step into the lush embrace of Ba Be National Park, nestled in the enchanting landscapes of Bac Kan province in northern Vietnam. Prepare to be captivated by one of its most dazzling jewel – Dau Dang Waterfall, an aquatic wonder that will leave you spellbound and exhilarated.

Dau Dang waterfall
Dau Dang Waterfall - Ba Be National Park - Source : Collected

A Three-Tiered Water Curtain Beckons

Picture a crystal-clear torrent cascading down three tiers, orchestrating an unforgettable visual and auditory symphony. Stretching nearly a kilometer along the Nang River, Dau Dang unveils a multitude of stunning viewpoints. The thunderous roar of the water, harmonizing with the wild beauty of the surroundings, makes it an essential highlight of the park.

The enchanting waterfalls of Ba Be National Park

Cultural Bonus:
Explore the Enchanting Villages

Embark on a cultural expedition to the picturesque villages of the Tay, Red Dao, White Dao, and Hmong ethnic minorities. Don’t miss the charming hamlet of Hua Tang, comprising five Tay houses, nestled near the Tat Ma waterfall. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of local traditions!

Discovering the Ethnic Villages Around Ba Be Lake

Family-Friendly Trek:
Adventure at Your Fingertips

  • Duration: 3-4 hours round trip
  • Distance: 5 km of pure natural bliss
  • Departure: Na Nghe village (Dao Tien ethnic group)
  • Difficulty: Accessible from 10 years old, ideal for regular hikers
  • Elevation gain: 200 meters to tone your calf muscles
  • Highlights: 360° panoramas, lush biodiversity, complete immersion in nature

Caution: When the weather is damp, the trail gets slippery! Equip yourself accordingly.

Hua Ma cave - Source : Collected

Tat Ma:
The Secret Sister Cascade

Seeking a more intimate experience? Seek out Tat Ma Waterfall, also known as Thac Bac – the “Silver Waterfall.” This lesser-know and less-frequented gem deserves its spotlight: located 10 km from Ba Be Lake and 3 km from Hua Ma Cave, it’s perfect for a day hike combining caves, waterfalls, and ethnic villages. Difficulty: Easy to moderate, ideal for a varied adventure!

Pro Tips for All Your Treks:

  • Sturdy hiking shoes are mandatory
  • Pack ample water and snacks
  • Mosquito repellent: your best ally against bites
  • Check the weather, be smart, and adapt your gear!
Silver waterfall - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

Options for Every Taste:

  • One-day guided trek: Perfect for the curious, enjoy the insights of a local guide on fauna, flora, and culture
  • 2-3 day trek: For the adventurers at heart, a deep immersion into nature and local life
  • Boat-trekking combo: The best of both worlds, navigate Ba Be Lake and embark on short treks to the waterfalls

Top 5 trekking routes in Ba Be National Park

Practical Information:


Direct bus from My Dinh bus station in Hanoi (Thuong Nga or An Binh companies)

Duration: 4.5 hours travel time

Price: 250,000 to 280,000 VND (11-12 USD) per way

Best Time to Visit

October to April for dry weather and passable trails

May to September for raging and awe-inspiring waterfalls

Where to Stay

Opt for the authenticity of a homestay or the eco-friendly comfort of a lodge. Immersion guaranteed! We warmly recommend Ba Be Jungle Houses, where Nature meets Luxury.

Ba Be National Park and its waterfalls offer a unique experience amidst pristine wilderness. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a family seeking gentle adventure, Dau Dang and Tat Ma promise moments of pure natural magic. So, are you ready to plunge into the Ba Be adventure?

A rejuvenating weekend in the fabulous Ba Be National Park

Feeling burnt out? Rejuvenate your soul in 48 Hours: A Ba Be National Park Itinerary

Nature-lovers, I have found the perfect hidden gem for a weekend of total relaxation: Ba Be National Park in northeastern Vietnam. Now, I must warn you, this paradise is still relatively unknown to tourists, but that’s precisely what adds to its charm!

Boat on Ba Be lake

A preserved natural haven

Imagine this: nestled in the heart of the northern Vietnamese mountains, Ba Be National Park is a true haven of peace. With its breathtaking landscapes of lakes, caves, and forests, it offers a complete change of scenery, perfect for a weekend getaway away from the hustle and bustle of cities. All of this in an incredibly preserved environment, thanks to the efforts of local communities and park authorities to develop sustainable tourism.

To be more specific, we’re talking about over 6,000 hectares of pure nature, with an incredible biodiversity (over 2,000 recorded species!). Primary forests, mysterious caves, crystal-clear rivers…

Did you know? Ba Be Lake is one of the largest natural lakes in Southeast Asia.

Ba Be National Park: an exceptional biodiversity reserve in the heart of Vietnam

Eco-friendly and relaxing activities

On the agenda for your relaxing weekend: a traditional boat ride on Ba Be Lake, hiking in the tropical forest to observe the local fauna and flora, and a visit to Puong Cave, a vast natural cavity inhabited by thousands of bats. Exploring its dark twists and turns is a true adventure, amidst stalactites, stalagmites, and bat colonies.

If you’re more of a hiking enthusiast, the park offers numerous trails through lush tropical forests. One notable trail leads to the village of Pac Ngoi, a several-hour excursion that allows you to discover the exceptional biodiversity of the site, with the possibility of spotting rare species such as the Malayan bear or the white-cheeked gibbon.

But regardless of your preference, Ba Be provides a beautiful immersion in nature, in harmony with the communities who have lived here for generations.

And to top it all off, all these activities are managed in an eco-responsible manner by the local inhabitants themselves. Indeed, Ba Be National Park is committed to sustainable tourism, working closely with local communities. This allows you to participate in eco-responsible activities, managed by the locals themselves. It’s a superb opportunity to discover local traditions, savor authentic dishes, and support the local economy.

Not only will you have a great time, but you’ll also contribute to the park’s conservation efforts. Truly sustainable tourism!

Discovering the Ethnic Villages Around Ba Be Lake

Come and relax with your family in Ba Be!

In addition to hiking and boat rides, Ba Be National Park offers several activities and facilities suitable for families with children. Educational workshops and activities are regularly organized to raise awareness among the younger ones about environmental protection. They can learn more about the park’s animal and plant species or participate in reforestation projects, for example.

Practical information for a successful weekend

When to go?

The best time to visit Ba Be is between October and May when temperatures are mild and the landscapes are green. Avoid the rainy season from June to September, which can make certain activities more difficult.

How to get there?

You can take a bus or a car from Hanoi, which takes about 5 hours to cover the approximately 240 km that separate the capital from the national park. Once there, the best way to explore the park is by opting for gentle transportation such as traditional boats or hiking.

Where to stay?

The park offers several eco-friendly accommodations managed by local communities, or you can choose Ba Be Jungle House with its breathtaking view of Ba Be Lake.

What to eat?

The local cuisine is delicious and highlights the fresh produce of the region. You can enjoy traditional dishes made with fish from the lake, sticky rice, and seasonal vegetables. It’s a delightful way to indulge while supporting the local economy!

Going green is good for the soul

Honestly, after a few days in this little piece of paradise, you’ll leave feeling completely rejuvenated. The fresh air, tranquility, and contemplation of these dreamlike landscapes… They do wonders for the body and mind!

So don’t hesitate any longer, quickly plan a weekend getaway to Ba Be in your schedule. It’s the kind of place you’ll want to return to, again and again. You’ll see, it will change your outlook and rejuvenate you deeply!

Ba Be Lake: A Photographer’s Paradise

Are you an amateur photographer or a master of composition? If so, Ba Be Lake in Vietnam is the perfect destination for you! Nestled in the heart of a magnificent national park, this hidden gem offers breathtaking landscapes.

Ba Be lake

Breathtaking Landscapes:
A Grand Natural Setting

Just 240 km from Hanoi, this crystal-clear body of water is surrounded by stunning karst formations. Wooded islets emerge from the surface, creating enchanting reflections during sunrise and sunset. In the morning, gentle mists float above the calm waters, revealing the towering cliffs that stand like sentinels. And on the hillsides, peaceful villages punctuate this grand natural setting. It is an ideal haven for photographers seeking unique shots and unforgettable adventures in pristine nature.

Ba Be Lake:
A Changing Palette of Colors

Ba Be Lake presents a palette of changing colors throughout the seasons. In spring, wildflowers bloom in a multicolored carpet, while autumn adorns the hills with shades of ochre and red. The lush green rice fields mirror the deep jade of the lake, creating a striking panorama that will delight your lenses.

Ba Be lake photographers

Exceptional Wildlife and Flora

Ba Be National Park is home to a unique biodiversity, with over 500 bird species and 100 mammal species. Multicolored butterflies flutter above the lush vegetation, playful monkeys frolic from branch to branch, and rare birds soar through the air. These natural wonders are waiting to be captured through your lens.

Ba Be National Park: an exceptional biodiversity reserve in the heart of Vietnam

Magical Light: A Source of Photographic Inspiration

Ba Be Lake offers photographers a true paradise of light. In the morning, mist blankets the landscapes in a fairy-tale atmosphere, while the rays of the setting sun create spectacular shadow and light effects on the karst mountains.

Beyond Capturing Images:
An Immersive Experience

Ba Be Lake is not just a photogenic destination; it is an invitation to adventure and discovery. Beyond capturing images, it offers an immersive experience in a breathtaking natural environment. Meet local communities and learn about their ancient traditions. Savor authentic dishes made with fresh local produce. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and be lulled by the birdsong and the whisper of the water. Ba Be Lake is a wonderful opportunity to capture vibrant images of villagers in traditional attire or engaging in activities such as fishing or weaving. It’s a chance to enrich your travel journal with unique and authentic snapshots.

Discovering the Ethnic Villages Around Ba Be Lake

A Haven of Peace:
A Place to Recharge and Focus

Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, Ba Be Lake provides a peaceful setting conducive to creativity. Let yourself be carried away by the gentle lapping of the water and immerse yourself in the serenity of the surroundings, accompanied by the birdsong and the murmuring streams. Explore this haven of peace nestled in the heart of the wild nature and be enchanted by its untamed and serene beauty. This idyllic getaway offers an opportunity to recharge away from the world’s distractions and rediscover the wonders of this green jewel.

Whether you are an amateur photographer searching for your first masterpiece or a seasoned professional seeking new inspiration, Ba Be Lake will fulfill your desires. So, don’t wait any longer and embark on an exploration of this earthly paradise!

Practical Tips for Photographers

  • Best time to visit: October to April to avoid the rainy season
  • How to get there: Take a bus from Hanoi (approximately 6 hours journey)
  • Where to stay: Bungalows and hotels along the lakeshore
  • Necessary equipment: Camera, wide-angle and telephoto lenses, tripod

Be prepared to capture moments of pure magic!

Tales and legends of Ba Be Lake

Ready to plunge into the wonderful world of Ba Be Lake legends? Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a magical journey!

Three Sisters - Three Lakes

The legend of the three lakes

Did you know that Ba Be Lake is made up of three linked lakes?

Once upon a time, these lakes were three inseparable sisters, known for their beauty and kindness. When a terrible flood hit the region, they sacrificed themselves to save the inhabitants by transforming themselves into lakes.
Another version of the legend recounts that they escaped a forced marriage thanks to the intervention of the gods, who transformed them into lakes to keep them together forever, forming the magnificent Ba Be.

The legend of the old beggar woman

A legend not unlike the one just mentioned.

A poor woman arrived in the village, but was rejected by everyone except a widow and her son. Do you know who she really was? A celestial dragon! To thank them, she warned them of an impending flood. Thanks to her advice, they were able to survive by boat as the valley turned into a lake, giving birth to Lake Ba Be.

For the long version, click here

The fairy with long golden hair

The legend of the fairy with long golden hair

Listen to the story of the fairy with the long golden hair.

A young fisherman fell in love with her melodious song. They met at the lake, but she had to leave, promising to return. The poor man waited for her all his life… It is said that the golden reflections on the lake at sunset are the hair of the fairy who is still searching for her lost love. Romantic, isn’t it?
A less glamorous version sees these reflections as the fairy combing her hair.

The legend of the golden fish

How would you like to catch a talking golden fish?

That’s what happened to an old fisherman. In exchange for his freedom, the fish granted him 3 wishes: food, company and peace for his village. It’s been said ever since that the golden fish still watches over the lake and its inhabitants.

The talking golden fish

The legend of Pearl Island

A beautiful young girl named Nàng Tiên possessed a magic pearl. One day, an evil spirit, jealous of her beauty and the villagers’ prosperity, flooded the village. Nàng used her pearl to save everyone, sacrificing herself to become the island of the lake. The villagers erected a temple in her honor, and it is said that her sweet song can still be heard floating on the waters.
A variant of this legend tells of an enchanted island covered in pearls and gold, guarded by spirits or supernatural creatures, accessible only to the pure of heart.

The legend of the Tree of Spirits

Let me finish with the legend of the Tree of Spirits, known to the locals as “Cây Thần”.

An abused young boy named Lang took refuge under a sacred tree sheltering benevolent spirits. These spirits gave him a magic seed which grew into a new protective tree, bringing prosperity to the village. Lang became a respected leader, teaching the importance of respecting nature.

The legends of Ba Be are filled with fantastic creatures, wondrous transformations and beautiful life lessons. They celebrate nature and goodness, and encourage respect for ancestors and traditions.

A real treasure to discover during your visit to this enchanted region!

Images generated by AI (or by fairies, who knows?)

Discover the family paradise: An unforgettable stay at Ba Be lake

Dreaming of a family vacation with a difference? Then head for Lake Ba Be in northern Vietnam! Nestled in the Ba Be National Park in Bac Kan province, this magnificent freshwater lake surrounded by verdant mountains and dense forests is the ideal setting for a memorable family adventure. Let us take you on a tour of this little corner of paradise and help you plan your stay.

► Learn more about Ba Be National Park

Ba Be local llife
Exploring local life in Ba Be - Source : Mr Linh's adventures

Why choose Ba Be lake?

Ba Be lake, which means “three bays” in Vietnamese, is an oasis of tranquility and natural beauty. It’s the largest natural freshwater lake in Vietnam, stretching over 650 hectares and approximately 8 kilometers in length. Surrounded by rainforest-covered karst mountains, Ba Be lake is a protected nature reserve, renowned for its exceptional biodiversity. It’s the perfect place for families who love nature and adventure.

5 reasons why Ba Be National Park should be on your visit list in Vietnam

Boat trip on Ba Be lake - Source : Mr Linh's adventures

Activities for young and old

Boat trip

One of the best ways to discover Ba Be lake is to take a boat trip. These excursions take you through the calm waters of the lake, where you can admire spectacular scenery and visit natural sites such as Puong Cave, famous for its stalactites, stalagmites and colonies of bats.

Swimming and diving

Ba Be Lake is renowned for its crystal-clear, pleasantly warm waters, ideal for swimming and diving, whether for children or adults.

Hiking and trekking

The area around Ba Be Lake offers hiking and trekking trails for all levels. An 8 km hiking trail circles the lake, offering breathtaking views and the chance to observe a rich and varied flora and fauna. It’s an adventure accessible to all, with several stopping points for resting, swimming and observing nature. For the more adventurous, longer and more challenging trails lead through karst mountains and rainforests. You can observe a variety of flora and fauna, and maybe even spot some wild animals.

► More info:Top 5 trekking routes in Ba Be National Park

Hiking around Ba Be lake
Hiking with family around Ba Be lake - Source : Mr Linh's adventures

Kayak and Paddle

Explore the lake, with all its nooks and crannies, by kayak or paddle – a perfect activity for families with children, allowing you to discover the lake at your own pace.

►Read also Kayaking Experience at Ba Be Lake


Ba Be Lake is also a great place for fishing. You can catch local fish such as catfish and tilapia, a relaxing and fun activity that will delight young and old alike.


For thrill-seekers, caving is a great option. The region’s karst formations offer unique opportunities to explore little-known caves such as Tham Phay, the Son Doong of North Vietnam.

Discovering local culture

Ba Be Lake is home to ethnic villages where the inhabitants, mainly Tày, Nung and Red Dao, perpetuate ancestral traditions. To visit these villages is to immerse yourself in authentic cultures and observe craftsmen weaving, embroidering and making bamboo objects.

And last but not least, the area around the lake offers many open spaces where children can run, play and explore in complete safety. Parents can keep an eye on them while enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

►Read also : Discovering the Ethnic Villages Around Ba Be Lake

Kayaking Ba Be lake
Kayaking with kids on Ba Be lake - Source : Mr Linh's adventures

Access and accommodation

Ba Be national park is about 240 kilometers from Hanoi. There are several ways to get to Ba Be lake from Hanoi:

By bus:

  • Direct bus: Direct buses leave from the My Dinh bus station in Hanoi and arrive directly at the entrance to Ba Be lake. The journey takes around 5-6 hours and costs around VND100,000 (approx. €4.50).
  • Bus with connection: You can also take a bus from Hanoi to the town of Bac Kan, then take another local bus to Ba Be Lake. This option is cheaper, but takes longer.

By cab:

A cab from Hanoi to Ba Be lake can be an expensive but convenient option. The journey takes around 4 to 5 hours and costs around VND 1,000,000 (around €45).

Good to know:

  • It’s best to book your transport in advance, especially if you’re traveling during the high tourist season.
  • Be sure to check bus and cab schedules before you leave.
  • Don’t forget to take water and snacks for the journey.

For a family holiday, you’ll find a variety of accommodation options, from traditional guesthouses to comfortable eco-lodges. The lakeside villages of Pac Ngoi and Coc Toc offer homestays and an incredible cultural immersion. Our favorite? The Ba Be Jungle Houses (formerly Mr Linh’s Homestay), a comfortable resort with a breathtaking view of the lake.

Jungle Resort
Ba Be Jungle Houses - Source : Mr Linh's adventures

Best times to visit Ba Be lake with your family

Dry season (October to April)

The dry season, from October to April, is ideal for visiting Ba Be Lake. Temperatures are pleasant and rainfall low, perfect for outdoor activities.

October to December: Enjoy moderate temperatures (20-25°C), lush green landscapes and a dry climate.

January to April: Winter and early spring offer a mild climate and a quieter period, with fewer tourists.

Rainy season (May to September)

The rainy season, from May to September, is less recommended due to heavy rainfall, but it also has its charms.

May to June: showers are generally short and the lush landscapes ideal for photographers.

July to September: The rainiest months, perfect for those who appreciate a lush, tropical atmosphere.

Tips for planning your visit

  • Avoid Vietnamese holidays: Holiday periods like Tet can be busier, and accommodation can be booked well in advance.
  • Prepare for hiking: If you’re planning to hike, the dry season is ideal. Make sure you have suitable hiking boots and bring water and snacks.
  • Book in advance: If you’re traveling during the high season (October to April), it’s advisable to book your accommodation and activities in advance to avoid disappointment.


A family holiday on Ba Be Lake is an adventure rich in discovery and unforgettable experiences. Between the lake’s natural beauty, outdoor activities and the warm welcome of the locals, this destination offers the perfect setting for an immersive, rejuvenating vacation.

So why wait? Book your stay at Ba Be lake and create unforgettable memories with your family!

Discovering the Ethnic Villages Around Ba Be Lake

Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of the ethnic villages that fringe the magnificent Ba Be Lake. Witness a rich cultural diversity and guardians of ancestral traditions, these villages are an irresistible invitation to immerse yourself in the unique lifestyles of each ethnic group.

Prepare for an enriching educational and sensory experience as you meet the main local communities living around Ba Be Lake!

Tay Ladies Ba Be lake
Tay ladies - Ba Be lake - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

The Tay:
Guardians of Lakeside Tradition

Among the ethnic groups present in the Ba Be Lake region, the Tay occupy a prominent place. Their traditional way of life is intimately linked to the waters of the lake.

For generations, the Tay have developed unique expertise in navigation and fishing. Their ancestral know-how in this field is passed down from father to son, perpetuating proven and respectful techniques for this aquatic environment.

The typical Tay habitat is characterized by wooden stilt houses, perfectly adapted to the lakeside environment. This vernacular architecture reflects a harmonious integration of their way of life with the surrounding nature.

Visiting a Tay village means discovering their rich craftsmanship, blending traditional know-how and contemporary creativity. Vibrantly patterned weavings and the manufacture of typical musical instruments are among the local specialties not to be missed.

Several Tay villages dot the shores of Ba Be Lake, offering you multiple gateways to their culture:

  • Bo Lu, one of the main villages on the west bank, is home to magnificent wooden stilt houses. The dwellings are oriented towards the lake, with the mountain range at their rear. Among these are modern, raised houses, interspersed with older ones. Despite these changes, locals continue to fish in the lake, using this practice as a foundation for their tourism industry.
  • Pac Ngoi, nestled by the southeastern edge of Ba Be Lake, is a large village. The stilt houses harmoniously merge with the lush green forest backdrop, creating a picturesque sight. The villagers toil away throughout the day and later gather in the evening to enjoy homemade meals and share stories.
  • Coc Toc village is nestled in a serene forest, showcasing the dwellings of various ethnic minorities. The peaceful ambiance of this place is undeniable, with fishing as the primary livelihood. The locals lead modest, hospitable lives and welcome guests with delectable food made from locally sourced ingredients. It’s a place where one can embrace nature and live an authentic experience.

Discover more about the Tay – Thai Ethnic Group

Bo Lu Village
Bo Lu Village - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

The Dao:
Masters of the Mountain

The Dao are another ethnic group present in the Ba Be Lake region, recognizable by their finely embroidered clothing and elaborate hairstyles, true works of art. Their villages are located in the mountainous heights surrounding the lake.

For the Dao, agriculture and the collection of medicinal plants are at the heart of their age-old way of life. Their daily lives are punctuated by field work and the perpetuation of traditional practices closely linked to the surrounding nature.

During your visit to the Dao villages, you will be warmly welcomed with benevolent smiles. This hospitality will allow you to taste their typical gastronomy rich in flavors, or even to benefit from the relaxing effects of a bath in aromatic and medicinal herbs.

Around Ba Be Lake, several Dao villages stand out for their preserved beauty and authenticity:

  • Na Nghe, a small village known for the warm welcome of its inhabitants, is also well worth a visit once you’ve ventured into the forests. You’ll be enveloped by the sounds of nature and the breathtaking images of the valley below the village. Na Nghe village consists of conventional Dzao wooden structures where families live, sleep and eat, when they’re not busy sorting freshly harvested medicinal herbs.
  • Him Dam, immersed in its rural setting.
Ethnic Village
Ethnic Village, Ba Be lake - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

The Nung:
Artisans of the Earth

Another important ethnic group around Ba Be Lake is the Nung. They stand out for their ancestral mastery of terraced farming, offering cultivated landscapes of striking beauty. The Nung are seasoned farmers, mainly cultivating rice, corn and vegetables on these cleverly landscaped artificial plots.

But the Nung’s talents don’t stop there. They also excel in craftsmanship, perpetuating centuries-old know-how in forging and pottery. During your visit to their villages, you will be able to admire and acquire unique pieces, entirely hand-fashioned with passion by these exceptional artisans.

Around Ba Be Lake, the renowned Nung villages are named:

  • Tham Hai, a typical village offering an authentic insight into the traditional way of life of ethnic minorities in this mountainous region of northern Vietnam.
  • Khuon Khut, a fishing village where the local economy is historically based on fishing in the lake and its tributaries

Read also this article : Ethnicity | Ba Be National Park

H'mong people, Ba Be market - Source : mr Linh's Adventures

The Hmong:
Guardians of the High Mountains

In the most remote and mountainous areas surrounding Ba Be Lake, live the Hmong, a people with a rich cultural heritage, often considered the guardians of age-old traditions.

Their culture has a very rich artisanal and musical dimension. The Hmong are indeed talented weavers and goldsmiths, creating unique clothes and jewelry that tell their story and ancestral beliefs. Their famous polyphonic chants and traditional music also enliven village festivities.

Proud of their roots, the Hmong also stand out for their legendary sense of hospitality. Visiting one of their villages is an authentic immersion into the heart of a way of life that has been preserved for generations.

Around Ba Be Lake, you can discover:

  • Khau Qua, offers an idyllic glimpse of traditional Hmong housing amidst wild landscapes.
  • Nam Dai, located on the banks of the Nang River, in an environment of dense forests and karst mountains. The village’s economy is based mainly on terraced farming on the hillsides.

Learn more about the H’mong Ethnic Group

Pac Ngoi
Pac Ngoi, a Tay village on the edge of Ba Be lake - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

An Invitation to Adventure

Exploring the ethnic villages around Ba Be Lake is more than just a trip, it’s a true immersion into the heart of ancestral cultures of unsuspected richness. This region is home to a mosaic of peoples with age-old traditions, harmoniously combining traditional lifestyles with respect for the surrounding nature.

At Ba Be Jungle House, we are committed to helping you discover all the facets of this exceptional destination through tailor-made and unforgettable experiences. We invite you to step into the heart of the Ba Be region and discover its hidden treasures. Our experienced guides will lead you through the villages, introduce you to the locals, and share with you the secrets of their traditions.

Learn more about the ethnic minorities of Ba Be National Park

Learn more about the Minority Groups in Vietnam

Map of Ba Be National Park/Ba Be lake with the main ethnic villages - Source : Mr Linh's Adventures

Ba Be cuisine, a gustatory journey to the heart of local communities

Venturing into the Bac Kan mountains and along the shores of magnificent Lake Ba Be, travelers are transported into a world of culinary delights. Tasting the specialties of the Tay, Dao and Nung communities, as well as the fresh wonders of the lake, they discover the true essence of this region and the richness of its culinary traditions. It’s a true paradise for food lovers in search of unique and authentic taste experiences.

So, my gourmet friends, get your taste buds ready and set off to discover these incredible culinary delights!

Banh cuon Cao Bang - Source : internet

A culinary journey to the heart of Ba Be’s ethnic groups

Let me reveal some of its most delicious gastronomic secrets.

Let’s start with the unmissable stars: the famous bánh cuốn Cao Bằng! These thin steamed rice pancakes, filled with a succulent stuffing of pork, black mushrooms and green onions… A real treat for the taste buds! Dipped in this sweet and sour nuoc mam sauce, they’re a pure delight.

And what about trying xôi ngũ sắc? This glutinous rice cooked with turmeric and pandan leaves will offer you an explosion of colors and flavors! It’s a festive and symbolic dish, often served on special occasions. A feast for the eyes and the taste buds!

But don’t stop there! Also try thịt chua, a fermented pork meat spiced up with aromatic herbs and spices. Its unique taste and melt-in-your-mouth texture make it an absolutely delicious side dish or appetizer.

And snack lovers will appreciate the lạp xưởng, dried and smoked pork sausages, sprinkled with salt, pepper and chilli. A delicious snack for your mountain hikes!

Peng Pha, the taste of Ba Be - Source : Internet

Discovering Tays flavours

But that’s just the beginning of your gustatory journey!

Among the Tay, you’ll discover such marvels as bánh cuốn mò, a sticky rice cake with a melting texture and delicate taste. Or khâu nhục, a stew of purple taro and pork belly, simmered in a mouth-watering sauce. Tay cuisine is also renowned for its Pẻng phạ, glutinous rice cakes previously ground to a powder, then mixed with a cup of wine and strong tea, instead of pure water. Dumplings are then baked and rolled in toasted glutinous rice powder. The cakes are then stuffed with minced pork, mushrooms and other ingredients, and grilled. Did you know? In the Tày language, “peng” means cake and “pha” means sky. Thus, peng pha is also known as sky cake (bánh trời). Because of this meaning, the Tày generally make it for important occasions, such as New Year’s Day or the Lông Tông festival (the festival of going down to the fields).

I almost forgot to tell you about lợn tộc đen, the meat of free-range black pigs raised in the mountains. Slow-cooked with herbs and spices, its tender flavor and strong taste are a perfect match for rice dishes.

Read more :
Ethnic Cuisine in Bac Kan

Diving into the culinary world of the Daos and Nung

But that’s not all!

The Dao and Nung also have some delicious surprises in store. Like bánh áp chao, fried fritters made from glutinous rice flour and mung beans. Or xôi ngũ sắc, multicolored glutinous rice cooked with edible flowers and leaves. An explosion of colors and flavors, to be enjoyed at parties and celebrations!

And what about the fresh fish caught in magnificent Lake Ba Be? Grilled, simmered or in fondue, they offer an unforgettable culinary experience. Take, for example, cá lăng nướng: this wood-grilled catfish is a classic of local cuisine. Its tender, flavorful flesh is enjoyed with a spicy sauce and fresh herbs. What’s not to love about canh chua cá lóc? This sweet-and-sour snakefish soup is a refreshingly fragrant dish, ideal for hot days. The light acidity of the broth and the freshness of the fish make it a must-try. And when it comes to fondue, try the unmissable lẩu cá tầm, a unique culinary experience based on sturgeon fish. The fish is cooked in a fragrant broth, accompanied by vegetables and rice vermicelli… a truly convivial feast.

So get ready for a real taste odyssey in the heart of Bac Kan! Let yourself be tempted by these authentic specialties, discover local products such as wild honey or cashew nuts, and soak up the culinary richness of this region. You’ll leave with a heart (and belly!) full of wonderful memories. Bon appétit, my gourmet friends!

Banh ap chao, a speciality from Cao Bang - Source : Internet

If you’re hungry after hearing all these flavors, let me give you the recipe for Bánh Giò, a dish typical of North Vietnam and especially Hanoi. But, in Ba Be, they have an interesting version where they use “dó” leaves to wrap the dough and stuffing. But that’s not all. The leaves are dried and then reduced to ash before being sieved into a fine powder, which is then mixed with the rice paste to give Ba Be’s Bánh Giò a grayish color and slightly smoky flavor. The filling can also include additional ingredients such as mint leaves, basil or ginger.

But don’t worry, we’ll keep it simple. By the way, we don’t really know where Banh Gio comes from, but it probably dates back to the Nguyen dynasty (1802-1945) and is said to be an adaptation of a similar Chinese dish, Jiaozi.

Learn more about the Authentic flavors in Ba Be National Park

So much for today’s anecdote! Now for the recipe!

banh gio
Banh Gio - Source : internet

Recipe for Bánh Giò
(easy to prepare)


For the dough

  • 2 cups rice flour
  • 1 cup tapioca
  • 6 cups chicken or pork stock (at room temperature)

For the stuffing

  • 500 g ground pork
  • 50 g dried black mushrooms
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon shallots, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Salt, sugar, pepper to taste
  • Banana leaves
  • Fish sauce
  • Fresh chili pepper


Prepare the dough: In a large bowl, mix the rice flour and tapioca. Gradually add the chicken or pork stock, stirring constantly until a smooth paste is obtained. Leave to rest for 30 minutes.

Prepare the filling: Soak the black mushrooms in hot water for 15 minutes. Drain and finely chop. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add onion and shallots and sauté until tender. Add ground pork and cook until browned. Add black mushrooms, salt, sugar and pepper. Stir well and cook for a further 2 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

Assemble the Bánh Giò: Cut the banana leaves into 15 cm x 15 cm squares. Take a tablespoon of rice paste and place it in the center of a square of banana leaf. Add a tablespoon of filling to the center of the dough. Close the banana leaf, forming a cone or pyramid. See below for other assembly options.

Cook the Bánh Giò: Arrange the Bánh Giò in a steamer basket. Steam for 20-25 minutes, until the dough is translucent and the filling is cooked through.

Serving the Bánh Giò: Serve the Bánh Giò hot with fish sauce and fresh chilli pepper.

Enjoy your meal!

How to wrap Banh gio in a banana leaf - Source : Internet


If you don’t have banana leaves, you can make banh gio in a bowl. Brush the bowl with oil, add the dough, the filling, another layer of dough and spread evenly. Cover with cling film to prevent condensation during steaming. Alternatively, use silicone muffin moulds.

If you have them, use glutinous rice flour instead of ordinary rice flour.

You can add other vegetables to the filling, such as carrots or peas.

Banh Gio can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Reheat in steam before serving.

Tham Phay Cave: A Hidden Gem of Ba Be National Park

Hidden in the bowels of Vietnam’s Ba Be National Park, just outside the village of Na Slai in Hoang Tri commune, the mysterious cave of Tham Phay exerts a fascination for adventurers and lovers of unspoiled nature. Although less well-known than its spectacular neighbour Son Doong, Tham Phay distills an enchanting charm and preserves still untouched depths, promising an unforgettable caving experience.

Set a course for
Ba Be National Park

Nestled in the heart of the mountainous province of Bac Kan, about 240 km from Hanoi, the Ba Be National Park is home to an exceptional underground gem: the Tham Phay karst cave, the largest in Vietnam. This biosphere reserve, classified by UNESCO in 2004, is a veritable paradise on earth. In addition to the impressive Tham Phay Cave, accessible by boat or on foot, it is home to natural wonders: the three eponymous lakes, a maze of mysterious caves and a lush rainforest. To immerse yourself in these breathtaking scenery, travelers can take the scenic road by bus or opt for a private car transfer, both of which offer breathtaking views of the Vietnamese countryside after about 6 hours of travel.

Enjoy Ba Be Jungle Houses

For a total immersion in the natural splendour of Ba Be, stop at Ba Be Jungle Houses, a charming accommodation with breathtaking views of Ba Be Lake. Nestled in a verdant jungle, this tranquil setting combines rusticity and comfort, perfect for rejuvenating after a day of exploring the wonders of the national park. The Jungle Resort also offers a range of escape-friendly activities, such as hiking, kayaking and bird watching. Thanks to its attentive staff and its soothing atmosphere, this haven of serenity will reserve you an unforgettable stay, in perfect communion with the surrounding nature.

Ba Be Jungle Houses
View from Ba Be Jungle Houses

Dive into the depths of
Tham Phay Cave

Nicknamed the “Son Doong of North Vietnam“, Tham Phay Cave represents an unsuspected natural gem eager to be explored. Stretching for more than a kilometre, this millennial cavity reveals titanic galleries topping 30 metres high, testifying to the earth’s power at work for millions of years. After a 1h30 hike through a verdant jungle, the traveler finally reaches the majestic entrance, guarded by impressive rocks reminiscent of dinosaur teeth.

Once inside, a unique karstic universe unfolds, where there are endless rooms with walls sculpted by water and time, studded with shimmering stalactites and stalagmites, still untouched by any geological exploration. A real spectacle of natural light is played out, the rays of the sun filtering through the openings of the vault. On the ground, the two branches of the underground river converge in a hypnotic flow. Further upstream, innumerable bats, including the rare horseshoe species, hunt under the rocky domes, while other unsuspected forms of life seem to have taken up residence in this preserved Eden, a true paradise for the naturalist. The adventure intensifies as you sink, the air becomes fresher and the creek more abundant, sometimes requiring an aquatic immersion to continue the exploration…

Tham Phay Cave Entrance

Uncover the mysteries of
Tham Phay Cave

The name “Tham Phay” comes from the Tay language, where “Tham” means cave and “Phay” means fire, thus giving its name to the “cave of fire”. But where would this enigmatic qualifier come from? The most fanciful local legends continue to fuel the most haunting suppositions…

It is undeniable that Tham Phay Cave has a rich historical and legendary heritage. According to local folklore, it was once the home of a dragon-king guarding its entrance with a powerful army. There are even rumours that some of Chiang Kai-shek’s troops took refuge in the surrounding mountains of Tan Lap and Ba Be forests to hide their wealth during the Chinese Civil War.

Tham Phay Ễpdition

Unleash your inner adventurer with Mr Linh’s Adventures

While the Tham Phay Cave is the flagship attraction of Ba Be National Park for hikers and speleologists, visitors can also engage in a variety of other outdoor activities within this vast unspoiled natural area. Experiences include hiking, kayaking on the surrounding lakes, and bird watching. The local agency Mr Linh’s Adventures offers a variety of guided excursions, such as hikes in the lush jungle, bike rides in the heart of Tay and Nung villages, kayaking or river cruises, allowing you to explore the riches of this biosphere reserve from all angles.

Hiking in Ba Be National Pảk


An expedition into the depths of the Tham Phay Cave is a must-see adventure for thrillers. This demanding and exhilarating speleological hike will plunge you into the very heart of the cavity, where you will be surrounded by secret waterfalls, breathtaking rock formations and the thrill of treading a virgin territory. Tham Phay promises an unforgettable experience, in an exceptional natural setting, a must during a stay in northern Vietnam.

Thrill and wonder guaranteed for this immersion in the depths of the Earth!

♥ Did you know that ? Tham Phay is not the only cave in Ba Be…
Have a look to : Caving in Ba Be National Park: A journey to the heart of the Earth